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Best Hero Roamer Healer in Mobile Legends

Roamer is one of the Mobile Legends roles that has an important task to help all team members, starting from protecting from opponent attacks, helping hero core farming. Roamer itself is divided into three types, one of which is roamer healer.

The main task of a roamer healer is to provide additional HP to teammates. As a roamer healer, you must always follow a teammate who is prone to be ganked by an opponent such as a jungler or gold liner marksman.

Well, on this occasion we want to tell you some heroesThe best roamer healer in Mobile Legends. Want to know what is the list of the best roamer healers? Come on, just take a look at the following article reviews.

Best Hero Roamer Healer in Mobile Legends

1. Rafaela

The first hero roamer healer that you can use is Rafaela. Because this hero is able to protect the hero core very well. Rafaela has a skill 2 ability called Holy Healing. This skill effect can summon Holy Light to regenerate 250 HP to the closest teammate who has the lowest HP.

This skill effect can also regenerate HP by 100 to other closest teammates and can increase Movement Speed ​​by 50% for 1.5 seconds. Of course, with Rafaela's skill, core heroes can farm safely.

2. Angela

The next roamer healer hero is Angela. Because this hero has a 2l skill called Love Waves. This skill effect can deal considerable damage to the opponent and can restore 150 HP to teammates if they are hit.

Not only that, but Angela also has the ultimate skill ( Heartguard ) which is able to enter the body of a teammate's hero and can provide a Shield effect to the hero.

Of course with her skills, Angela can provide Heal and Shield support well to hero cores or teammates in battle.

3. Floryn

The next hero roamer healer is Floryn. Because this hero is able to provide healing to all team members in one map. Floryn has the ultimate skill ( Bloom ) which is able to recover 400 HP for all heroes 2 times (ignoring distance).

Not only that, but this ultimate skill can also provide additional Magic Damage to the opponent by 150, and can slow them down by 30% for 0.8 seconds, every time the Heal effect takes place.

4. Estes

The last hero roamer healer you can use is Estes. Because this hero can give a very large Heal to teammates. Estes has the ultimate skill ( Blessing of Moon Goddess ) which is able to regenerate the HP of her teammates around 1260 continuously.

Of course, Estes's skill ability, makes team members very strong during war or team fights, because the blood of Estes and team members become thick. So that the opposing team will have a very difficult time killing you and your teammates in the fight.

Well, those are some of the best roamer healer heroes in Mobile Legends. Hope it is useful!

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