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5 Strongest Roamer Heroes in Mobile Legends

Roamer is one of the Mobile Legends roles that have a very important role to help teammates, from helping core heroes when farming, protecting all team members from opponent attacks, to becoming a Roamer Healer hero in the team.

Well, on this occasion we would like to tell you some of the strongest Roamer heroes in Mobile Legends season 23. Want to know what is the list of the strongest Roamer heroes for season 23? Come on, just take a look at the following article reviews.

5 Hero Strongest Roamer Mobile Legends Season 23

1. Estes

The next strongest Roamer Hero for season 23 is Estes. Although Estes' mobility is somewhat slow, you can still rely on Estes to become a Roamer hero, because Estes has very strong healing abilities to help teammates.

Of course, during team fights or war conditions, Estes' presence is very much needed, because her healing skill abilities will be very useful for team members, so they can last longer in battle.

2. Khufra

The first strongest Roamer Hero for season 23 is Khufra. This Hero Tank has good enough mobility to rotate. Khufra can also counter agile heroes like Fanny, Lancelot, or Ling, thanks to his 2 ( Bounce Ball ) skills which can give Airborne effects and can slow down opponents.

Not only that, but Khufra also has skill 1 ability ( Tyrant's Revenge ) which is very useful when Roaming and can be the initiator of war or team fight, because of the combo skillKhufra's is able to catch many opponents and can keep them from moving for a few seconds.

3. Tigreal

The next strongest Roamer Hero for season 23 is Tigreal. This Hero Tank can be very useful for initiating war because his ultimate skill is able to capture all opposing heroes and can make the opponent unable to move for a while.

Although Tigreal's mobility is quite slow, Tigreal's rotational ability is good enough to help other lanes, especially this hero has a Crowd Control skill which is very deadly for the opposing hero.

4. Mathilda

The hero with the next strongest Roamer role for season 23 is Mathilda. This Support /Assassin Hero has excellent mobility to rotate from one lane to another very quickly. So that Mathilda can provide backups as soon as possible to teammates.

Not only that, but Mathilda can also produce enormous damage in the early game, making Mathilda able to attack and kill opponents easily, and can do farming quickly in the early game.

5. Selena

The last Roamer Hero you can try is Selena. This Assassin / Mage Hero has a very supportive skill ability to carry out his duties as a Roamer role. Selena has skill 1 ability ( Abyssal Trap ) which you can use to open maps or create traps so that later the opponent's movement can be hampered.

Not only that, but Selena also has skill 2 ( Abyssal Arrow ) which can throw Magic Arrow in a predetermined direction, if it hits the opponent's hero it can cause a stunning effect for 3 seconds.

Well, those are some of the strongest Roamer heroes in Mobile Legends season 23. Hopefully, it's useful!

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