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Synergy OP Chess TD 100% Autowin

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Today I will give more info about Mobile Legends for sure. This time we will discuss Synergy OP Chess TD 100% Autowin.

Synergy OP Chess TD 100% Autowin

Chess TD is a very fun and strategic Arcade Mode. In this mode, 6 players will be divided into 6 maps and fight against each other and with Creeps. Players can buy Heroes from the Shop, Build their own Lineup, Loot Gold, and upgrade their troops for victory.
Players will get a random map for each match. Players can buy Heroes from the Shop and use them on rocks that are higher than the ground (Slots). The heroes used will attack nearby enemies automatically and cast their Skills when they get enough Mana.
The Round consists of 4 Phases namely Preparation Phase, Prepare Phase, Battle Phase, and Completion Phase. The Preparation Phase is for Players to buy, use, Recall or sell Heroes and increase capacity. During the Battle, one of the other Hero Players will attack your Map. If this attacker manages to reach the goal before being eliminated, you will receive relative damage.
Synergy Hero has 2 attributes, namely Faction and Role. The synergy effect will be activated if there are enough Heroes with the same attribute in the Battlefield. This synergy is very important to consider. So now I will tell you what synergies are OP in Chess TD so that you know and can win matches in Chess TD. This is the Synergy OP in Chess TD, Check this out!.

Synergy Empire
Synergy Empire is the strongest synergy in Chess TD. Synergy empire is often used by many players who play Chess TD because this synergy besides having great damage also has continuous stun. In addition, synergy also has the advantage that when all heroes use it, it will cause a stun effect to the opponent. That’s why synergy empire is widely used because in addition to having great damage, it also has a continuous stun effect.

Synergy Empire Skill Explanation

  • If there are 2 Synergy Empire heroes, the Empire hero’s skill has a 20% chance to stun the target for 1.1 seconds.
  • If there are 4 Synergy Empire heroes, all hero skills have a 20% chance to stun the target for 1.1 seconds.

Combo For Synergy Empire
Synergy empire is suitable to be combined with Synergy Tank and Synergy Cyborg because the synergy tank is the foundation to withstand the enemy’s attack because it can give crowd control effect, while the synergy cyborg can give additional slow effect to the opponent. This is the hero for the combo.

  • Synergy Empire: Tigreal, Natalia, Lancelot, Odette
  • Synergy Cyborg: Johnson, Jawhead, Angela
  • Synergy Tank: Franco
  • Synergy Northern Vale: Aurora

Quick tips to get it

  • Collect the synergy heroes that you got first
  • Set the formation that suits the synergy
  • Take advantage of the selection on items, to choose items that match the synergy empire, upgrade heroes or upgrade commander capacities.
  • Take advantage of the commander’s passive to win the battle in Chess TD

Also Read: Heroes That Are Suitable for Solo Rank in Mythic Tier

Synergy Cyborg
Synergy Cyborg is a synergy that can give a very high slow effect to opponents in Chess TD. Synergy Cyborg is also often used by players who play Chess TD because this synergy in addition to having an additional high slow effect can also provide crowd control to the opponent. With that, this synergy cyborg is widely used because in addition to having a high slow effect, it can also provide crowd control so that it can hold the enemy longer and win the match.

Synergy Cyborg Skill Explanation

  • If there are 3 Synergy cyborg heroes, it can increase 125% of the Crowd Control duration received by the opposing unit.

Combo For Synergy Cyborg
Synergy Cyborg is suitable to be combined with Synergy Tank and Synergy Northern Vale because synergy cyborg is the focus to withstand enemy attacks that are attacking because it can give a high slow effect, while synergy northern vale can reduce the opponent’s magic defense. This is the hero for the combo.

  • Synergy Cyborg: Johnson, Jawhead, Angela
  • Synergy Tank: Tigreal
  • Synergy Northern Vale: Franco, Aurora
  • Synergy Support: Estes
  • Synergy Mage: Odette
  • Synergy Undead: Khufra

Quick tips to get it

  • Collect the synergy heroes that you got first
  • Set the formation that suits the synergy
  • Take advantage of the selection on items, to choose items that match the synergy cyborg, upgrade heroes or upgrade commander capacities.
  • Take advantage of the commander’s passive to win the battle in Chess TD

Synergy Assassin
Synergy Assassin is the sickest synergy in Chess TD. Synergy assassin is widely used by players who play Chess TD because this synergy in addition to having large damage also has a very short cooldown. In addition, synergy also has the advantage that all heroes can use very short skills because it can reduce the cooldown of the team’s hero skills. With that synergy assassin is widely used because in addition to having large damage, it also has a short cooldown skill.

Synergy Assassin Skill Explanation

  • If there are 2 Synergy assassin heroes, Hero Assassin reduces the cooldown of the skills they use by 20%.
  • If there are 4 Synergy assassin heroes, Hero Assassin reduces the cooldown of the skills they use by 70%.
  • If there are 6 Synergy assassin heroes, all heroes reduce the cooldown of the skills they use by 70%.

Combo For Synergy Assassin
Synergy assassin is suitable to be combined with Synergy Empire and Synergy Scarlet Shadow because the synergy empire becomes the foundation to withstand the enemy’s attack because it can give a stun effect, while the synergy Scarlet Shadow can unlock additional new skills. This is the hero for the combo.

  • Synergy Assassin: Helcurt, Lancelot
  • Synergy Empire: Natalia, Tigreal, Odette
  • Synergy Scarlet Shadow: Hayabusa, Hanabi
  • Synergy Dragon Altar: Zilong, Ling

Quick tips to get it
Collect the synergy heroes that you got first
Set the formation that suits the synergy
Take advantage of the selection on items, to choose items that match the synergy assassin, hero upgrades or commander capacity upgrades.
Take advantage of the commander’s passive to win the battle in Chess TD

See Also: Hero Meta in Season 19 Mobile Legend 2022

Synergy Fighter
Synergy Fighter is the easiest synergy to get. Synergy fighter is also a powerful synergy because this synergy can provide splash damage to all fighter heroes. So when the synergy fighter is fully active, the fighter hero can definitely have additional damage that can bounce. So don’t underestimate this full Fighter synergy combo.

Synergy Fighter Skill Explanation

  • If there are 3 Synergy fighter heroes, Basic Attack Hero Fighter deals 40% Splash Damage to units in one area.
  • If there are 6 Synergy fighter heroes, Basic Attack Hero Fighter deals 80% Splash Damage to units in one area.

Combos For Synergy Fighter
This Synergy Fighter can be combined with a synergy demon and also a synergy assassin. Good combo because synergy is easy to get. This combo is probably the fastest combo to get a 3-star hero and win the game. In addition, this synergy fighter has a passive that can provide additional splash damage plus a synergy demon that can reduce the opponent’s physical defense and give true damage to the opponent, so this synergy is difficult to beat.

  • Synergy Fighter: Jawhead, Zilong, Leomord, Martis,
  • Synergy Demon: Thamuz, Terizla
  • Synergy Assassin: Helcurt

Quick tips to get it

  • Collect the synergy heroes that you got first
  • Set the formation that suits the synergy
  • Take advantage of the selection on items, to choose items that match the synergy marksman, hero upgrades or commander capacity upgrades.
  • Take advantage of the commander’s passive to win the battle in Chess TD

Ok, come here first, guys! Next, I will give you more info about mobile legend heroes. If there are suggestions for what hero guides you want to discuss, you can contact me via the contact form below, I’ll review the Hero Guides later, ok!
Hope it is useful.

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