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Build the Strongest Belerick 2022 Tank Mobile Legends Items

Tank is a very important role hero for the battle in the Land of Down. This tank can be a solid wall when fighting, or it can be a useful protector for marksman or mage.

One of the heroes with a tank role in mobile legends is Belerick. A strong hero and a counter hero with good attack speed. With the right control and the right items, Belerick can be very strong in the front line of battle. On this occasion we will discuss the Strongest Build Item Belerick 2022 Tank Mobile Legends. We will discuss starting from the set of emblems, battle spells to of course the best items.
Because Belerick is a hero with a tank role, we recommend using a tank emblem with a suit like the one below.
Causes Crowd Control effect on enemies to recover 5% of Max HP. This effect has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
The Battle Spell that we recommend is the Revitalize battle spell, which is explained below.

CD: 100

Summons Healing Spring, where teammates within the area of ​​effect recover 2.5% of their max HP every 0.5 seconds, and strengthen the shield effect and HP regen they receive by 25% (this increase cannot be stacked). Lasts for 5 seconds.
Next are the items that you can prepare for Belerick.

Belerick 2022 Tank Mobile Legends Strongest Items:

Attribute: +25 Movement SPD
Active Skill-Encourage: Increases movement speed of the hero and nearby team heroes by 30%. In addition, increasing physical and magic attack by 20% lasts for 3 seconds and has a cooldown of 80 seconds. This effect prevents the hero from reusing the conceal and encourage effects within 80 seconds.
Unique Passive-Brevery: Increases 10% Physical and magic defense and 50% HP and mana regen for nearby teammates. Unique Passive-Devotion: Gain 2 EXP and Gold every 4 seconds. In the first 12 minutes of the match, this Equipment means you can’t get anything from minions or Creeps when there are teammates around you who don’t have roam equipment, or who use roam items but have higher exp and gold than you. They will share all the experience and gold.
Unique Passive-Thriving: Gain an additional 25% gold and EXP with assists. When your gold rank is fifth in your team, increase the gold you earn to 20 per 4 seconds. When your EXP rank is fifth in your team, it increases the EXP you gain to 35 per 4 seconds.

+10% Cooldown Reduction

Unique Passive-Demonize: Reduces damage taken by 50% when HP is below 40% and increases Physical Lifesteal by 30%. Lasts for 5 seconds. This effect has a cooldown of 50 seconds.

+10% Cooldown Reduction

Unique Passive-Bless: Increases shield absorption and HP regen by 30%.

+100 HP Regen

Unique Passive-Recovery: Regenerates 1.5% of the hero’s Max HP.
Defeating enemy heroes will increase the regeneration effect by 0.4%. While assists will increase by 0.2% (Including kills and assists before item purchase), up to 3.5%. This effect will disappear after 5 seconds the hero is damaged.

+90 Physical Defense

Unique Passive-Vengeance: Deals 25% of the opponent’s Physical attack as physical damage to enemies who attack you with a basic attack.

+40 Physical Defense

Unique passive-immortal: resurrect 2 seconds after being defeated and get 15% HP and a shield that can absorb 300-1000 damage.(scaled with hero level) Shield lasts up to 3 seconds. This effect has a CD for 180 seconds.
That’s the strongest item, which you can use in ranked or classic mode. With these items, the Belerick that you use will be very strong and make it easier for the team to win the match.

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